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Needleworks & wire
Needleworks & wire
craft equipment
Viking chain knitting
Yoolas wire knitting Jenny ISK
Wire 0,2-0,5 mm
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Decorative articles
Cord closures
Decorative items
Glass items
Pillows and starter kits
Stands for pillows
Lace bobbins
Linen thread
Cotton Thread
Metallic, Synthetic
Silk threads
Effect thread 50g 185m
Wire 0,2-0,5 mm
Books & patterns
Books & patterns
Bobbin lace books
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Lace making equipment
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Pillows and starter kits
Pillows and starter kits
Starter Kits
Flat pillows: Swiss block pillow
Back (block pillow)
Roll pillow
Stands for pillows
Lace bobbins
Pillows and starter kits
Everything you need to make lace.
Starter Kits
If you have always wanted to learn bobbin lace making, or you are looking for a new hobby or a new challenge: we would like to make it easier for you to start with cheap offers.Please have a look at our offers below:There are two fundamentally different variants: the flat pillow and the roll pac ...
Flat pillows: Swiss block pillow
We produce them: the smaller form of block pillows with movable blocks in the middle and fixed parts right and left to lay the bobbins down.It is called "swiss" type because kind of this was originally knewn in Swizerland. You may pull out the blocks and turn them to work the corner. You can exc ...
Back (block pillow)
If you like sliding pillows, you will love the “Back”. The inserts are freely movable in a wooden frame. Many different sized inserts give you complete freedom in lace making. You can make large but also small pieces on the Back. If you already own one of our sliding cushions, tell us the he ...
Roll pillow
Roll pillow The bobbin roll, or the "bobbin bag", is traditionally located in Germany in the "Erzgebirge", but you can also find it in Austria, Northern Italy, Sweden, Russia and elsewhere. We offer you different sizes, fillings and qualities. Cheaper rolls filled with wood shavings, firmer and h ...
"Back" SF, 62 x 62 cm
This sliding cushion offers a large area, great flexibility, great quality. The Back consists of ...
169,00 €*
Simple flat pillow, 48 x 48 cm
For beginners or as a light second pillow, for holidays or for a lace course: the pillow is made of ...
29,90 €*
"Back" F, 62 x 62 cm
Large area, great flexibility, best quality. The Back F consists of 6 felt squares and 6 felt rec ...
230,00 €*
Kit flat pillow without book
Everything you need to start bobbin lace: pillow, 24 Bobbins Swiss type, maple, varnished, 11,5 cm, ...
81,20 €*
Maxi SF, sliding pillow, rounded corners
Overall dimensions: 58 x 48 cm, inserts (Styrodur with 1 cm felt): twice 28.5 x 19 cm + once 28.5 x ...
79,00 €*
Big rectangle insert Maxi SF, 28,5 x 19 cm
Additional large insert for the sliding cushion 502116. Order it now! Would you like to turn your M ...
13,60 €*
Kit flat pillow without book
Everything you need to start bobbin lace: pillow, 24 Danish bobbins, hornbeam, not varnished, 11 c ...
67,90 €*
Midi-"Back" SF, 48 x 48 cm
Not as big and heavy as the Back, more flexible than the sliding pillow. Lighter than the felt ver ...
137,00 €*
Midi-"Back" F, 48 x 48 cm
Not as big and heavy as the Back, more flexible than the sliding pillow. This pillow can also be m ...
179,00 €*
Small rectangle insert Maxi SF, 28,5 x 9,5 cm
Additional small insert for the sliding pillow 502116. Order it now! Additional small rectagle bloc ...
9,20 €*
Mini-"Back" F, 40 x 40 cm
This pillow can also be made even more flexible with further inserts. The smallest of the Back serie ...
132,00 €*
Roller pillow 35 x 20 cm, wood shavings
Common size of roller pillow. Colour of the cover may change. . ...
35,50 €*
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