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Simple flat pillow, 48 x 48 cm
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Simple flat pillow, 48 x 48 cm
Code: 502000
For beginners or as a light second pillow, for holidays or for a lace course: the pillow is made of Styrodur, covered with a light felt pad and blue fabric.
29,90 €
Delivery time: 3-7 days within Germany*
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Wolter-Kampmann, DVD 2, Lace making on the flat pillow (German)
Continuation of DVD 1 for working on the flat pillow with continental bobbins. Martina Wolter-Kampma ...
24,00 €*
Klöppeln so geht es, G. Kister-Schuler
A short introduction to basic knowledge of bobbin lace, for the roller as well as the flat cushion, ...
8,00 €*
Löhr, Klöppelkurs (Beginners guide lace making. German)
Ulrike Löhr (today Ulrike Voelker, well known in the states) has her own, well structured style of ...
15,90 €*
Wolter-Kampmann, DVD 2, Lace making on the flat pillow (German)
Continuation of DVD 1 for working on the flat pillow with continental bobbins. Martina Wolter-Kampma ...
24,00 €*
Klöppeln so geht es, G. Kister-Schuler
A short introduction to basic knowledge of bobbin lace, for the roller as well as the flat cushion, ...
8,00 €*
Löhr, Klöppelkurs (Beginners guide lace making. German)
Ulrike Löhr (today Ulrike Voelker, well known in the states) has her own, well structured style of ...
15,90 €*
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Wolter-Kampmann, DVD 2, Lace making on the flat pillow (German)
Continuation of DVD 1 for working on the flat pillow with continental bobbins. Martina Wolter-Kampma ...
24,00 €*
Klöppeln so geht es, G. Kister-Schuler
A short introduction to basic knowledge of bobbin lace, for the roller as well as the flat cushion, ...
8,00 €*
Löhr, Klöppelkurs (Beginners guide lace making. German)
Ulrike Löhr (today Ulrike Voelker, well known in the states) has her own, well structured style of ...
15,90 €*
Wolter-Kampmann, DVD 2, Lace making on the flat pillow (German)
Continuation of DVD 1 for working on the flat pillow with continental bobbins. Martina Wolter-Kampma ...
24,00 €*
Klöppeln so geht es, G. Kister-Schuler
A short introduction to basic knowledge of bobbin lace, for the roller as well as the flat cushion, ...
8,00 €*
Löhr, Klöppelkurs (Beginners guide lace making. German)
Ulrike Löhr (today Ulrike Voelker, well known in the states) has her own, well structured style of ...
15,90 €*
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